Analysis Pay Paying the price of low wages Museums are facing a brain drain in the near future as pay stagnation is exacerbated by rising living costs
News Strikes V&A security guards ballot to join strike action over pay Outsourced workers plan to walk out alongside colleagues from NHM and Science Museum
News Strikes National Museums Liverpool strike ends as workers accept pay deal Dispute over cost-of-living payment led to widespread gallery closures
News Strikes New round of strikes to begin at National Museums Liverpool Walk-outs will run until July as parties fail to reach an agreement on bonus payment
News Strikes Strike could close National Museums Liverpool venues for up to eight weeks Sector's 'longest ever' industrial action sees workers walk out over cost-of-living payment
News Pay Trades Union Congress calls for end to ‘second class pay’ in heritage sector Motion carried to recognise value of heritage and develop sustainable funding model
News Funding Museums in Scotland required to pay Living Wage to apply for public funding MGS introduces ‘fair work’ criteria for new grant offers
News Strikes British Museum workers to strike over February half-term Museum will open on a ‘phased basis’ as civil service dispute continues
Analysis Pay When it comes to pay, museums are still living in the past New research from the MA shows museum salaries are falling ever further behind the market median
News Strikes National Coal Mining Museum agrees 10.5% pay rise for striking workers Further industrial action called off after charity put forward revised pay offer
News Pay Hourly pay for some museum roles down 25% since 2011 Union report highlights growing pay crisis in heritage sector
Opinion Pay How Birmingham Museums is improving working conditions for staff Staff survey found only a third feel fairly compensated, says Zak Mensah