About museums
What is a museum?
The Museums Association agreed a definition in 1998, which says: ‘Museums enable people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that collect, safeguard and make accessible artefacts and specimens, which they hold in trust for society.’ This definition includes art galleries with collections of works of art, as well as museums with historical collections of objects.
Since then, the role of museums in society has evolved and expanded. In 2019, the International Council of Museums provoked a debate when it proposed a new definition of a museum. You can find out more about the conversation on what it means to be a museum in the 21st century here:
WHAT IS A MUSEUM – CONFERENCE 2019, BRIGHTONHow many museums are there in the UK?
It is estimated that there are about 2,500 museums in the UK, depending on what you include. Almost 1,800 museums have been accredited. Registration under the Accreditation Scheme indicates that a museum has achieved a nationally approved standard in management, collections care and delivery of information and visitor services.
What different types of museum are there?
There are several different types of museum, depending on how they are owned, managed and funded. These include:
- National museums are run and funded directly by the central government of each UK nation. They are generally larger institutions that hold collections considered to be of national importance. All national museums in the UK offer free entry to their permanent collections.
- Local authority museums are owned and run by town, parish, borough, city, or county councils and other local authority bodies. They generally house collections that reflect local history and heritage.
- University museums are owned and managed by universities and their collections often relate to specific areas of academic interest.
- Independent museums are owned by registered charities and other independent bodies or trusts. They are not usually funded directly by the state but may receive support through government programmes. Some may have funding agreements with local authorities.
- Historic properties and heritage sites are buildings, monuments and sites of historic interest, many of which also house collections. They are managed by non-departmental public bodies in each UK nation: English Heritage; Historic Scotland; Cadw in Wales; and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
- National Trust properties are similar to English Heritage sites but are owned and run by the National Trust (or the National Trust for Scotland), an independent charity. The National Trust remit extends to historic houses and gardens, castles, industrial monuments and social history sites, as well as areas of natural beauty.
- Regimental museums and armouries collate and preserve Britain’s military heritage and are often managed by the armed services.
- England’s unoccupied royal palaces are run by Historic Royal Palaces, an independent charity.
Are all museums in the UK free?
The free admissions policy applies to national museums and collections that are funded directly by the central government of each UK nation. It is free to access the permanent collections in all national museums, though they may still charge for temporary exhibitions. Almost all university museums and a large number of local authority museums also operate a free admissions policy. Most – but not all – independent museums charge an entry fee.
How many people visit museums?
Visits to museums have greatly increased in recent years. There is no up-to-date figure for total visits in the UK but it is likely to exceed 100 million a year.
According to the Government’s Participation Survey, in 2023-24, 46% of adults aged 16 and over in England had engaged with museums and galleries over the past year.
According to the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions, the top five most visited museums in the UK in 2023 were:
- British Museum
- Natural History Museum
- Tate Modern
- V&A South Kensington
- The National Gallery
How can I donate something to a museum?
Try contacting museums with suitable collections directly.
Or you could place a notice in Museums Journal, our bi-monthly magazine. Please send details to journal@museumsassociation.org.
Museums wishing to find or dispose of objects can advertise for free on our Find an Object database.
Find an ObjectHow do I set up a new museum?
Anybody thinking of setting up a new museum should consider how it could be sustained over time. The climate for setting up a new museum is difficult, public money is not easily available and existing museums are finding it increasingly hard to meet revenue costs.
The New Museums Toolkit published by Museums Galleries Scotland offers useful step-by-step guidance on the planning process for anyone considering opening a museum.
The Association of Independent Museums (AIM) has published a guide to Successfully setting up a new museum, containing information for anyone considering setting up a museum in the UK.
Where can I find out about copyright?
The best guidance can be found in A Guide to Copyright for Museums and Galleries, produced by the Museums Copyright Group and published by Routledge, ISBN: 0-415-21721-0.
Written by three legal specialists, Peter Wienand, Anna Booy and Robin Fry, the book offers a wealth of practical advice and information, including a series of photocopiable sample legal agreements covering matters such as filming, publishing, licensing rights and multi-media issues.
Available from bookshops or directly from the Routledge website.
Further resources are available on the Museums Copyright Group website.
Where can I find a museum-related company, freelancer or consultant?
Visit Find a Supplier, our searchable database of over 200 businesses, freelancers and consultants catering for more than 120 different categories covering all areas of museum work.
Find a SupplierHow do I find museums in the UK?
Our database of museums offering free entry to MA members is a good starting point for exploring museums around the UK. They are organised by location so you can find a museum near you in just a few clicks.
Members Free EntryHow can I find a conservator?
ICON, The Institute of Conservation is the lead voice for the conservation of cultural heritage in the UK. It operates an accreditation scheme and the Conservation Register, a national database of conservators and restorers.
How do I go about getting an object valued?
If you would like to find out the commercial value of an object you need to find a reputable dealer or auction house. Museum staff are happy to offer information about objects brought in by members of the public for identification, but they do not give financial valuations.
Find an Object is a central database for museums looking to aquire or dispose of objects. If you are considering disposing of an object from your museum collection, please review our ethical guidance on disposal and visit Find an Object.
Find an ObjectCareers
Where can I find a job in a museum or gallery?
Our Find a Job directory is the go-to place to look for jobs in the sector. It’s free to access, all you need to do is register on our website.
Find a JobHow can I train to work in museums and galleries?
There are lots of training and development opportunities for people who want to develop a career in museums. At the MA we offer several affordable professional development programmes, including online learning, to help those volunteering and working in museums get ahead. Our extensive range of museum specific training is open to everyone working in the sector, whether you are already employed or trying to get that first job.
CareersHow much do people working in museums earn?
In 2022 we published our Salary Research and Recommendations for museums across the UK. The report aims to provide clear and accurate data on the current state of pay levels in the museum sector, covering both support and specialist jobs as well as management. It also examines staff benefits, and some of the changes that have occurred since our previous Salary Guidelines were published in 2017.
Unfortunately, although many people find working in museums and galleries a rewarding and interesting career, many jobs in the sector are not well paid. We campaign for inclusive and diverse museums that prioritise fair working conditions and workforce wellbeing, and we encourage employers, staff and funders to use the findings in this report as an advocacy tool to highlight the serious issues around low pay in the museum sector, negotiate better salaries and demonstrate the urgent case for reform.
The sector is supported by freelance museum professionals and consultants. We hope – through working with museums and others – to ensure that these valued members of the sector are rewarded and recognised appropriately.
Pay in museumsCan I volunteer in a museum?
Almost all museums and galleries have volunteers working for them. They work in all sections of the museum from front-of-house to collections departments. Some museums are entirely run by volunteers.
Although the MA does not set up placements, you can find tips and resources on our website on how to get started as a volunteer.
Museums usually offer different kinds of opportunity to long-term volunteers and students looking for work experience, so try to be clear about what you hope to gain from the experience.
It is best to approach individual museums and galleries directly to find out if they need new volunteers. Many large museums have volunteer managers. Don’t get put off if national museums have no volunteer vacancies – many local authority and independent museums will welcome your services.
Entering the sectorAre there job opportunities at the Museums Association?
We are an equal opportunities employer, which means our jobs are advertised externally and we do not accept speculative CVs.
We are a small charity with 20 staff – any vacancies we currently have are advertised in our Find a Job search.
There are some volunteering opportunities at the Museums Association that you may also be interested in.
Read our ‘support us’ section for more details of how to volunteer as a member representative; member of the board; or volunteer at conference.
Find a JobWhat is your recruitment policy?
We encourage people from diverse backgrounds to apply for roles and we adopt an inclusive approach to recruitment that includes: advertising roles widely; not requesting salary details in our application forms; removing personal data from application forms before shortlisting and interviews; sharing interview format and recruitment panel information together with core interview questions with shortlisted applicants one week prior to interview; offering interviews in person and/or online; and providing reasonable travel expenses for attending interviews.
We are committed to supporting an inclusive and diverse museum sector that prioritises fair working conditions and workforce wellbeing for everyone who works in and with museums, including employees, apprentices, paid internships, volunteers, consultants and freelancers. You can read our guidance on inclusive recruitment and selection for more.
AMA – Associateship
How do I register for the AMA?
You need to be eligible to apply, you must be a full or concessionary rate individual member of the Museums Association, have worked, volunteered or freelanced in the sector for over a year; and you must be able to demonstrate emerging level of professional competence against the AMA competencies.
Individual membershipWhat is the development framework?
- A clear Competency Framework and assessment standards to inform your professional development
- A dedicated AMA mentor to support and guide you
- AMA support groups in all regions and nations to provide a collective space for discussion, sharing, learning and support
- Clear milestones of achievement and progress, for example 35 hours of CPD per year and an interim review
What is CPD?
CPD stands for continuing professional development. A number of activities can constitute CPD including: reading, attending seminars, sitting on panels, observing colleagues, reflecting on your practice, meeting with your mentor, attending your AMA support group, watching relevant films, listening to podcasts, participating in online discussions (e.g. Twitter hours).
It is important to remember that your CPD doesn’t have to be extra to your work. We may do things in our roles that contribute to our AMA journey. CPD activity doesn’t have to be new or outside your current role.
The concept of CPD is that you look to improve your professional practice towards a particular goal or your AMA assessment.
How else will I be supported?
The AMA programme provides a development framework of support.
- Your mentor is an important part of the process and one of your first steps is to look at our mentoring list and choose a mentor that will meet your needs.
- There are a range of guidance documents, templates and resources available on the Museums Association website.
- Your AMA support group is the local group you can join – we have a number of active groups throughout the UK. They meet to discuss issues, visit museums, hear from museum speakers whilst also exploring the competencies and activities of the AMA.
- The Members Support Fund is a fund that you can apply to for support of your professional development or contributions to your AMA annual fees.
- If you can’t find something on the website or you have a question or feedback, we are there to help by email or through a booked conversation.
What is the first step?
To begin your AMA, you need to demonstrate an emerging level of professional competence in each of the four AMA competency headings: Understanding the sector; Public engagement and benefit; Stewardship of collections; Individual and institutional integrity. The self review asks you to reflect on your existing professional practice in relation to the AMA competencies.
You then choose a mentor, and join a support group.
How do I complete the AMA?
By the end of year two you should have completed 70 hours of CPD and your AMA project. At this point we suggest you complete a final review as a basis of discussion with your mentor about your readiness to participate in a professional review. When you are ready, we recommend booking a professional review place at least three months in advance to ensure availability for your preferred dates and venue and to create focus to complete the final review paperwork.
What is the entire process?
There are clear milestones to reach, following registration:
Year 1
- Complete your self review
- Identify mentor and establish mentoring relationship
- Draft CPD plan with mentor involvement
- The draft CPD plan is reviewed by Museums Association
- CPD plan is approved and the AMA journey begins formally
- Development activities undertaken to achieve professional development goals
- Development activities recorded and reflected upon in CPD log
- Draft interim review with AMA mentor involvement
- The draft interim review is reviewed by Museums Association
Year 2
- Interim review is approved
- Development activities undertaken to achieve professional development goals
- Development activities recorded and reflected upon in CPD log
As part of the AMA you need to carry out a three-six-month project. This is usually undertaken during year 2, however when required it can be undertaken in year 1.
- Draft project proposal with AMA mentor involvement
- The draft project proposal is reviewed by Museums Association
- Project proposal is approved
- AMA project begins
Year 2 and beyond
- When you have undertaken 35 hours of CPD per year for a minimum of 2 years and completed the AMA project you are eligible to be assessed by professional review
What is the AMA project element?
The AMA project is work-based project, lasting between three and six months, that puts your learning and experience into practice. It should be relevant and linked to your CPD plan. You will fill in a project proposal with the help of your mentor before beginning the project (usually) in the second year of doing the AMA.
What is the professional review?
The professional review is a formal end-point assessment and you will be assessed against the AMA competencies – an established level of professional competence which requires deeper understanding and direct experience, where applicable.
You must agree with your mentor that you are ready for the professional review and this is facilitated by the completion of final review paperwork.
In advance of your professional review the following must be completed and submitted:
- CV
- Final review, this includes AMA project evaluation
- Future CPD plan
- CPD log
- Details of two referees for us to contact
Your submissions are drafted with mentor support and are reviewed by the Museums Association before your professional review and are then sent to the professional reviewers.
The professional review is your opportunity to share your AMA experience – the challenges, the learning and its impact. As part of this you will deliver a short presentation about your AMA project and prepare an ethical/topical issue for discussion.
The professional reviewers will ask questions relating to your submitted paperwork, the presentation and the discussion, in line with the AMA competencies. At the end of the professional review, if you have demonstrated an established level of professional competence across all the AMA competencies you will be awarded the AMA.
If you have not, you will be given feedback to enable you to improve and you will be invited to participate in another professional review in the future when you and your mentor feel you are ready to participate.
What do I do if I decide it isn’t for me?
The AMA isn’t for everyone. If you are having doubts speak to your mentor or give us a call and we will be able to help. If applicable your AMA can be placed on hold until your circumstances change.
What paperwork do I need to submit?
Over the course of your AMA you will need to submit the following paperwork:
- Self review
- Mentoring agreement
- CPD plan
- Interim review
- Project proposal
- CPD log
- Final review
- Future CPD plan
- CV
The amount of time it takes to draft and complete the paperwork really depends on experience, however the next question gives some indicative timings.
What is the time commitment?
We hope that you complete your AMA within three years – it is possible to complete it in less time, and it sometimes takes longer. The CPD requirement is 35 hours of CPD per year and can include participation in AMA support groups and mentoring sessions. A basic rule of thumb and recommendations:
Year 1
- Complete the self review = 5 hours maximum
- Mentor sessions = 6 hours approximately
- Draft CPD plan with AMA mentor involvement = 5 hours approximately
- CPD activity = 35 hours per year required, this can include mentoring sessions
- Updating CPD log = this depends on the approach you are taking
- Draft interim review AMA mentor involvement = 5 hours maximum
- Draft project proposal with AMA mentor involvement = 5 hours approximately
Year 2
- Mentor sessions = 6 hours
- CPD activity = 35 hours per year required, this can include mentoring sessions
- Updating CPD log = this depends on the approach you are taking
Year 3/professional review year when you are ready
- Draft final review with AMA mentor involvement = 5 hours approximately
- Future CPD plan with AMA mentor involvement = 2 hours approximately
- Participate in professional review = 1 hour
Total number of hours = 126 over three years.
This may be more if you spend longer working towards your professional review.
Can I put my AMA on hold?
You can put your AMA on hold for a number of reasons, for example if you are changing jobs, if you have been made redundant or if you are on maternity, paternity or adoptive leave.
If you have recently changed jobs we can put your AMA on hold for a three-month period while you settle in. You must let us know at the start of the period so we can update your record.
What is the Fast Track AMA?
The Fast Track AMA programme enables individuals who have been working or volunteering in the sector for a minimum of five years to participate in an accelerated 12-month programme to complete their award.
Professional development remains at the heart of the programme, but the Fast Track acknowledges that, for some, the opportunity to be assessed against an existing track record of professional development and achievement best meets their needs.
More about the Fast Track AMAMembership
Why should I become a member?
By joining the Museums Association you will gain access to a wealth of information, advice and news from our publications and website.
You will be joining the largest independent network of museum and gallery professionals in the UK. A list of the benefits for each membership category can be found on our membership pages.
Membership benefitsWho can become a member?
The MA is a membership organisation for people who:
- Currently volunteer or work in museums
- Have worked or volunteered in museums
- Are pursuing a career or voluntary opportunities in museums
- Work with museums in a related organisation
- Work with museums in a freelance capacity
- Work with museums as a trustee or a friend
Or for organisations:
- Museums, galleries and heritage sites
- Other sector bodies and related organisations
- Libraries and archives
- Commercial companies that provide products and/or services to museums
The MA reserves the right to withhold membership from applicants who do not fit the above criteria.
Join usHow do I become a member?
The simplest way to join is online through our website here. If you have not already registered on our website you will need to register with an email address and create a password. You can pay by card or set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit. If you would rather join by phone, call our membership line on 020 7566 7880 and you will be able to pay over the phone.
Join usHow do I renew my membership?
The simplest way to make sure your membership is renewed is to set up a Direct Debit with us. That way your membership will run uninterrupted. If you pay by Direct Debit, we will contact you six weeks prior to your renewal date to let you know that your membership will be renewed. If you would like to change your membership grade, alter your payment type, or cancel you can respond to that email or give us a call.
If you do not pay by Direct Debit the easiest way to renew is online. You will be sent an email six weeks before your renewal date, and subsequent reminders, including a link to renew. If you would rather renew by phone, call our membership line on 020 7566 7880 and you will be able to pay over the phone.
Renew my membershipHow long does a membership last?
All memberships run for 12 consecutive months from the date of purchase. Your membership will start at the beginning of the month of purchase and expire at the end of the same month in a year’s time, so you will always get at least a full year of membership whenever you join.
If I renew my membership before or after the renewal date, how will this affect my next renewal date?
When renewing your existing membership before your current renewal date the new subscription will simply be added so that you always get 12 months of membership.
If you renew after the renewal date, you can choose to either backdate the membership in order to receive any copies of Museums Journal you may not have received or restart your membership from the month of the payment. We can only backdate membership for up to six months.
Can I alter or cancel my membership or change grade part way through the year?
All memberships are annual and the price of them is set at the time of joining, so they cannot be cancelled or altered part way through the year. For example, if you have finished studying and have a job, we would not expect you to change from the concessionary rate to full membership until you next renew. We will contact you about your membership renewal six weeks prior to your renewal date when you can change grade or cancel your membership.
What should I do if I lose my physical membership card?
Most members now receive a digital membership card. If you are having trouble accessing this or lose your physical card, please contact our membership team.
Contact usHow do I get my membership card and number?
Shortly after joining you will receive a confirmation email including your membership number and renewal date. You will then receive a separate email with details of how to access your digital membership card.
If you have not received your digital card within 10 days please contact our membership team by email or on 020 7566 7880.
Contact usCan I get free entry to exhibitions before my digital card has arrived?
When you join you will receive a confirmation email that includes your membership number and renewal date. You can use this as proof of membership to get access to exhibitions while waiting for your digital card to arrive. It is however at the museum’s discretion as to whether they accept this.
Where can I use my membership card to gain free or discounted entry to museums and galleries in the UK?
We produce a full list of the venues offering free or discounted entry either to their site or exhibitions with your MA card.
You will be asked to present your card when arriving at the admission desk and you may be asked to sign in or for ID.
Some venues may restrict free entry for popular exhibitions, so it is always advisable to phone ahead if you think this could be the case.
Members Free EntryWhat should I do if my membership card is not accepted at a venue?
If you can, check the free entry details on a mobile device to make sure the site is included. If it is and you are still refused entry, it may be because the exhibition is very popular and you may be able to get free entry at a quieter time. If this is not the reason, please let the membership team know and we will investigate.
Members Free EntryHow do I gain access to Museums Journal online?
You can access members-only content by signing in when prompted when you try to open an article.
If you have not registered you can click the sign in link at the top of website. Use the same email address as the one you used when purchasing membership, so that the system gives you the correct access.
If you need to change any of your personal details you can sign in to your account and edit your details.
Sign inWhen do I receive my Museums Journal?
Museums Journal is updated regularly online with lots of new content each week. The print magazine is bimonthly, published on the first of January, March, May, July, September and November. It will typically be delivered within 2-3 days of this.
Essential members only receive digital content. Full and concessionary members will receive their first print copy of Museums Journal when the next issue is due. For example, if you join on 3 January you will receive your first print edition shortly after 1 March.
If you don’t receive your Museums Journal, please contact our membership team by email or on 020 7566 7880.
Contact usHow can I purchase membership as a gift?
You can buy membership as a gift in the same way that you would for yourself. Gift memberships will by default be sent to the purchaser of the gift. If you would like the membership card to be sent directly to the recipient please inform the membership team.
Purchase gift membershipHow do I update my details?
If you would like to change details such as your address, you can simply sign in and go to ‘My details’ to make any updates.
Update my detailsHow can I cancel my membership?
If you have purchased membership and change your mind within 7 days, notify us by phone (020 7566 7880) or by email (membership@museumsassociation.org). Your membership fee will be refunded in full once we have received your physical membership card (if you have one and it has already been sent to you). If you have used membership benefits such as discounts on events or publications, we will be unable to cancel your membership.
If you pay by Direct Debit and wish to end your membership when you receive your renewal notification please get in touch to inform us. If you pay by other methods, there is no need to take any action.
Please note all Museums Association memberships are annual and cannot be cancelled part way through the year.
How do institutional and commercial organisations join?
The simplest way to join is online through our website. If you have not already registered, you will need to do so with an email address and create a password. You can request an invoice or pay by credit/debit card. If you cannot find the organisation you would like to purchase membership for in the ‘organisation’ field, contact our membership team on 020 7566 7880 or email membership@museumsassociation.org.
Join usHow do institutional and commercial members renew?
We will contact the membership contact we have for the organisation by email and letter to remind you when the Museums Association membership is due for renewal. The membership contact for the organisation can renew online. If you would rather renew by phone, call our membership line on 020 7566 7880.
Renew membershipHow do staff and volunteers at institutional and commercial member organisations access membership benefits (online publications, event discounts, etc.)?
Staff and volunteers can access membership benefits by registering on our website and selecting the organisation that holds the membership in the ‘My details’ section of their account. You will then be able to access the right content and discounts every time you log in.
RegisterCan institutional and commercial members pay by Direct Debit?
No, currently we cannot set up a Direct Debit for institutional and commercial members. Membership can be paid by invoice, cheque or debit/credit card.
Do institutional members receive a membership card?
No, institutional members are not issued with a membership card.
Do commercial members receive a membership card?
Yes, commercial members are issued with one membership card for one named member contact.
How do I get my commercial or freelance and consultant member listing on the website?
You can do this online. Simply log in and add your details, which will be checked before going live within one week.
Create online listingCan I add my company or freelance and consultant logo to my supplier listing?
Yes. You can add your own logo, or one of the Museums Association commercial, freelance or consultant logos. Please attach it via the form online as a jpeg.
What do I do if I need to change the details on my supplier listing?
Simply send them in an email and we’ll make the changes for you.
Email changesEvents
How many conferences and events do you run each year?
It varies from year to year, but generally we run the following:
- Our hybrid annual conference (online and in-person)
- 10 one-day conferences (a mix of online and in-person)
- Four in-person Members Together meetings (one for each nation of the UK, free to all members)
- Four online Members Together meetings (free to all members)
- Various professional development events
- Various events related to our advocacy and programmes, including network days for museums applying for funding
How do I book on to an event?
Find the event you are interested in on our events page and follow the links to book. Email events@museumsassociation.org if you are experiencing difficulties.
Book your place at an eventDo you have a policy on cancellations?
For in-person and online one-day events, we will offer you a refund (minus a £10 admin fee) if cancel prior to 30 days before the event. Please be aware that our online events are recorded and made available to delegates exclusively for three months – so if you can’t attend an event live you can catch up at a later time. Or (for online one-day conferences only), you can transfer your place to a different attendee or transfer your ticket to another event later in the year (any difference in price will be refunded or invoiced for).
For the annual conference, full refunds (minus a £10 admin fee) can only be made if we are notified by email one month before conference. We can also transfer in-person tickets to online tickets, with the price difference refunded (minus a £10 admin fee) if we are notified by email one month before conference.
In 2025, the deadline to cancel or transfer tickets is 7 September 2025. After this date, no refunds will be offered. We can, however, transfer digital and in-person tickets to a named colleague or peer. Please email events@museumsassociation.org if you would like to cancel or transfer.
Do you have a code of conduct at events?
Yes, click on the link below to see the latest version.
Code of conductHow accessible are your events?
Please see our accessibility statement which covers online and in-person events. For in-person events, we also provide detailed accessibility guidance for the venue. If you wish to discuss this further, please email events@museumsassociation.org.
Accessibility statementDo you offer free places for events?
Our Members Support Fund inclusive event places scheme supports five free places for each of our one-day events, and 20 in-person and 12 online free places for the MA Conference. These are focused on: ethnicity, disability, socio-economic background and LGBTQ. Details of how to apply, including a deadline, can be found on individual event pages.
More about inclusive placesWhy do your events cost the price that they do?
We are a small, independent, not-for-profit charity that does not receive funding from governments. This allows us to speak on behalf of our members and advocate for museums. It also means that our business model involves us having to break even on our events, and in the case of our annual conference we are beholden to large commercial venues, caterers, etc. We aim to keep prices as low as possible.
We also run a number of free events, including our Members Together meetings in person and online.
We offer discounts for concessionary members and free inclusive places through the Members Support Fund.
How environmentally sustainable are your events?
The Museums Association is leading a sector campaign supporting museums to take action for climate justice. As part of this campaign, we have committed to reduce our climate impact and embed climate activism across all campaigns and activities, taking an intersectional approach.
We provide customised sustainability information for all our in-person events (see individual listings for more). These always include:
- Serving a 50/50 mix of vegetarian and vegan food at all events. This includes non-dairy milk.
- Encouraging delegates to bring their own reusable hot drink cups and water bottles.
- Providing a digital-only programme.
- Printing badges on sustainable paper. Lanyards are reusable and made from bamboo. We do not provide plastic wallets for badges.
- Requiring MA staff to travel by train or other modes of public transport, apart from when access requirements require car travel, and encouraging delegates and speakers to travel by public transport where possible.
Museums Journal
How often is Museums Journal published?
Museums Journal online is updated regularly throughout the week.
Museums Journal print magazine is published six times a year:
- 1 January (January/February issue)
- 1 March (March/April issue)
- 1 May (May/June issue)
- 1 July (July/August issue)
- 1 September (September/October issue
- 1 November (November/December issue)
How do I write for Museums Journal?
We welcome submissions and ideas for articles. Please email enquiries and synopsis, not complete articles, to journal@museumsassociation.org. Please include ‘editorial submission’ in the subject line. Please familiarise yourself with the sections of the magazine before making a submission. Please ensure all material is original and please do not submit copy that has appeared elsewhere.
- Lead time (print): approximately six weeks prior to publication
- Lead time: approximately four weeks prior to publication
- This section reflects topical issues and is a chance for people who work in the sector to express their opinions
- If you have strong views on topical issues, news or current events and would like to write an opinion article please contact the editorial department
- Lead time: approximately three months prior to publication
- Lead time: minimum three months
- MJ reviews permanent redisplays, new openings and temporary exhibitions. Reviews are written by those who work with and for museums
In Practice
- Lead time: minimum three months
- In Practice includes case studies, top tips and practical guidance
The List
- Lead time: minimum three months
- Includes items on offer, acquisitions, awards, conservation projects and research initiatives
Do you offer payment for writing for Museums Journal?
We are a not-for-profit membership body that produces content by our members, for our members. As such, contributors to Museums Journal do not automatically receive payment for providing content.
However we recognise that many people sharing their lived experiences often do so at a high emotional cost. Examples might include Black people sharing their anti-racism work or disabled people sharing their activism. As such, we offer payment to any person who is sharing their lived experience in our content.
Many freelancers wish to provide content to give to the sector, raise their profile, or market their services. But we also recognise the challenging conditions freelancers can work under, and that sometimes they must take time away from paid work to contribute. As such, we consider requests for payment in this light.
What is your editorial mission?
Museums Journal:
- Reflects the values, aims and policy priorities of our publisher, the Museums Association
- Provides an independent editorial voice that is free from commercial influence and represents the views, concerns and interests of MA members and campaigns on their behalf
- Represents the diversity of the nations, people and institutions that make up the UK museum sector
- Publishes accurate, engaging, challenging and constructive content on the issues, ideas, debates and practices that help museums serve the public better
Museums Association website
Museums Journal provides content for our website and the editorial values here will apply. All other material on the website is generated by the MA and represents its views or interests unless otherwise indicated.
Do you have a code of conduct?
Yes. Museums Journal is accountable to the Museums Association board and will deal fairly and openly with members and readers. We will be open in acknowledging mistakes when they are made and will provide a fair opportunity to reply to inaccuracies.
We follow the National Union of Journalists’ Code of Conduct.
NUJ Code of ConductHow do you deal with inaccuracies?
Museums Journal strives for accuracy and fairness. In the event of inaccuracies, we will print a correction in the next available issue of the magazine or online as applicable.
Contact the editorHow do you address complaints?
All enquiries or complaints should be addressed to the editor in the first instance.
Contact the editorHow do I advertise in Museums Journal?
We offer a range of advertising options to suit your budget. To find out more visit our advertise pages or give us a call on +44(0)20 7566 7830.
Advertise with usHow do I subscribe to Museums Journal?
The best way to receive Museums Journal in print or online is to join as a member, this is normally most cost effective and includes the other benefits of membership. We have subscription options available for libraries and large organisations who require more print copies, costing £130 (UK), or £210 (international) per year (6 issues). We offer a 10% agency discount.
Please contact membership@museumsassociation.org for more information.